Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Great Water Challenge #2

For our second challenge, the class went out into the community to learn more about how our waterways have changed over time.  Here is a bit about what each of the teams learned.

Team "AquaGirls" Submission - CLICK HERE

Team "Wavy Ladies" - CLICK HERE

Team "Finding Lakeshore" Submission #1 - CLICK HERE

Team "Finding Lakeshore" Submission #2 -  CLICK HERE

Team "Morgan & Friends" Submission

Team MKABB Submission #1 - CLICK HERE
Team MKABB Submission #2- CLICK HERE

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Challenge #1

The Great Water Challenge Begins!

Challenge #1 - Our Connections to Water
Our class has been divided into five teams for the challenge.  We are having our own in-class competition as well!  For each challenge we will post the best of the submissions, not necessarily all of them, to give you a flavour of what our class has been doing to complete our challenges.

Here are the submissions for our first challenge!

GWC #1 - Aqua Girls
CLICK HERE to view Aqua Girls' submission

GWC #1 - Finding Lakeshore
CLICK HERE for Team GJD's submission

Here are the links for the other teams:

CLICK HERE for GWC 1 from Morgan & Friends

CLICK HERE for GWC #1 - Wavy Ladies 

CLICK HERE for MKABB's submission